I was also blessed with lots of cards and gifts this morning as my wife and eldest son brought me a lit birthday cake (and more importantly... coffee!) in bed.
There was a definite theme to my gifts this year: red wine, filter coffee, and hot chilli sauce. If my gifts are anything to go by, I'm a man of the grape, the bean, and the capsicum! I like that. Of course, excess in any of these areas is not to be recommended, but they are all things which are intended, in moderation, to enrich life.
God gives us gifts like this too. Not just things that we need, but things for us to enjoy.
As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. (1Ti 6:17)
God richly provides us with things just to enjoy! Thank you, Lord; I intend to. Here's to a year of being enriched in the blessings of God!
The blessing of the Lord makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it. (Pr 10:22)
Congratulations Chris! For some reason I thought your birthday was tomorrow! Have a great day.
36 - I remember it well. Just a couple of years ago. Many happy returns my friend.
Trust you have had a great day - happy birthday
Don Christophe!
Happy (belated) birthday!
In my vast experience of being 36 (30 days so far), its not too bad. Certainly no worse than 35 was.
Take care,
Don Ricardo
Happy Birthday Chris.
May you yet long enjoy the blessings of the LORD in the year(s) ahead.
You are Blessed of the LORD. Amen
Happy (belated) birthday brother. You are a true blessing!
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