

Ever wondered why eschatology is important? Look no further!

You laughed at the books, cringed at the film... now it's a video game!

The makers of Left Behind don't have to wait for the rise of the Antichrist to turn the world against Christians... they are doing a pretty good job all on their own!


Ricky Carvel said...

If ever there was an appropriate time and place for my favourite exclamation, it is here and now...

Hell's teeth!!!

'Left behind' is fairly low down on my list of books to read eventually and the film doesn't even make my equivalent movie list. Now I have to invent a whole new list: video games not to play, ever...

Moody said...

The most popular "Christian" novel in the world, and it is based entirely on faulty interpretations of God's word....I wonder why so many people have lost faith in Christianity. The thing is that people are not turned off to Christ, they are turned off to church and the religion of man.

Richard Bentall said...

as it is a festive time for us I brought some eschatology cheese.... it said on the bottom, best before end.